Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce Wellness Conference

Tipu Ake Tonu were proud to sponsor the Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce Work Place Wellness Conference last week. Bringing Moana-Roa Callaghan from Tākina to the conference she set the scene for the day with an Orokoroa session for all participants. She also delivered two power sessions on “Reo in business”. We were ecstatic to hear the positive feedback Moana-Roa received.

There were many fantastic speakers and exhibitions through out the day including Denise Quinlan from the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing & Resilience, Dr Alex Bartle- sleep specialist, Korrin Barrett - Life Unlimited, Simon Gault - 4 Wheels of Health and a demonstration of how to make Hapī 's beautiful "cleanse" elixir.

Our team, and many others, learnt new tips and tricks to keeping well holistically, so that we can continue to perform in our mahi.


Celebrating Whanake Ake Cohort 1!


TH!NK accelerate enterprise journey with Whanake Ake