Kurawaka | Cohort 2
Wāhine Māori Business Start-Up Programme
With support from Te Puni Kokiri, following on from the success of our first cohort we have just delivered and completed the Kurawaka journey for cohort 2.
Over 10 weeks our wāhine dedicated their time to building their knowledge and ability towards launching their own pakihi. The first week of the programme started off with a deep dive into the “5 whys”, defining purpose and reasons for wanting to be wāhine in business. This task took some of our wāhine by surprise as they delved to discover their true why. This exercise was further enhanced when our wāhine completed the Hinerei wānanga, delivered by Māori Movement, discovering what it means to be in tune with ones self and their own essence as māreikura.
The next 8 weeks we focused on exploring business fundamentals such as marketing, structure, financials and understanding the customer while our wāhine worked on refining their pakihi and their pitch. Each session our wāhine worked on delivering their pitch, learning to stand in their own mana and to be proud and confident in their idea and its validity. Kurawaka participants are lucky to have other wāhine and business leaders such as Jody Hamilton, inspire and share about her own experience and journey in pakihi; and thanks to Kiwitax our wāhine received two sessions on finances and why it is key to stay on top of pūtea.
On the 21st of May we celebrated and witnessed our wāhine deliver their final pitches. They provided a fresh perspective to the wonderful outcomes that Kurawaka can achieve. Whilst our wāhine are at different stages of their pakihi, a key element to this cohort has been self-development and realising mana motuhake. Not only in pakihi but in life!
We are so proud of these wāhine for having the courage to put themselves and their whānau first by expanding their knowledge and their skills. We are so excited for the journey that lies ahead for these wāhine toa!